Thursday, October 11, 2007


Since the mention by Rick on KWOC the site has been flooded with hits. I didn't really think that this many people would care. However, with hits come postings and emails.

The emails are great. Its good to hear what is on people's minds. I appreciate all of the emails about backroom deals going on right now. I will sniff around where I can, but you have to remember I'm really don't run in that crowd anymore.

As for the postings. Every posting by me will have my name above it, and I've had a good time responding to your posts. Feel free to register (although I know that can be a hassle) or just throw up your thoughts anonymously, they are fun to read. This isn't speakout where you get your call in the paper as long as you don't step on the wrong toes. (A big shout out to all of you frustrated speakout callers who tried to complain about me while I was mayor. You never had a chance.)

I can only check the blog a couple times a day, and I'll put up whatever you write. Just please observe a couple ground rules:

1) Lay off the cussing. I love passion, I have it too and am certainly not a prude, but lay off four letter words. I can't edit them out of your post so I have to delete them.

2) Say whatever you want about me, but I'm not comfortable with posters anonymously taking shots at other people's personal life. Bash anybody for using bad judgement, being corrupt, or having a bad hair day, but lay off their personal lives.

-Scott R.


Anonymous said...

Don't get soft now.

Anonymous said...

Are you going to be on Rick and Company?

Anonymous said...

you have played too much hardball to want folks to back down.

Anonymous said...

why don't you come back and run for office man you could get elected again

Anonymous said...

I dont like the personal stuff, good rule.

Anonymous said...

Amazing to me all this was a set-up and the only person who did anything right was you? If this is going to turn into a pitty party shut it down.

Scott R. Faughn said...

Dont need any pitty here. It just going to be my thoughts on several issues ongoing and in the past.

Agree or disagree with them they are just my thoughts. Sort of a web log, or blog if you will.

Anonymous said...

I dont hear too much pity. I think we all know how things work in little Chicago.

If you dont like whats on the site there are a lot of others to look at.

brookester said...

So, what are you doing these days? Just out of curiosity...

Anonymous said...

if any of these people had any guts they would sign their name to whenever they write something bad about someonelse.

Anonymous said...

Whether people use their name or not the posts are too funny, but I agree about keeping it clean.

Great site!

Anonymous said...

Ive never seen great accomplishments without making great enemies.

Im not certain you are a great man, but I am certain that you have accomplished great things for a man of any age much less a boy.

I am enjoying your web site, but you should be careful about these postings. They seem to be getting a little over the top.

Keep at it.

Anonymous said...

D.S. is like a kid with an ant farm… too much power for self-chonious person to have. I recall eating a lunch with Scott that D.S. was to attend. I had to move from where I was setting, why? Because I was told that if D.S. came in and his seat was taken he would be “mad”… Lord knows what he would have printed about me…

Anonymous said...

Don is the meanest midget I know.

Anonymous said...

"follow the yellow brick road!!!!"

Anonymous said...

i heard d.s. is so mad that he is trying to tell people he is crazy. he wont talk about it and wont go in public.

Anonymous said...

i see don everyday and he is shell shocked. he is quiet and keeping his head down.

i dont think this website is any big deal, but i do think that nobobdy ever stands up to him, ever.

he will be fine and back to his old self once this website is old news, dont worry about him mr. rust's money keeps him warm at night.

Darin said...

Scott - We've never met, I don't live in Poplar Bluff and I'm good enough at minding my own business that I don't know a lot about your case. I remember some of the stuff that was in the media, but I don't put a great of stock in them anyway. That being said, this is some good, entertaining stuff and I'm blown away by the number of hits. If this is part of a greater plan that will eventually land you back in political office, bravo on your savvy use of the internet. If not, it is still a great read and I wish you the best. Carpe Diem!

Darin said...

We've never met, I don't live in Poplar Bluff and I'm so good at minding my own business that I don't remember much about your case. I recall a few things I read and saw on television, but with the exception of Rick Carl, I am distrustful of our local media.
That said, I have enjoyed what I have read so far and can't wait for more. Someone may have already asked this and I missed it, but what do you do now? In my humble opinion, you should consider working as a columnist. You should probably, however, take the DAR off of your prospect list...;)
Stay Strong!

Anonymous said...

Hey Scott what happened? are you not ever going to post on here again? it was interesting to hear what you had to say..I will check back in a few days to see if you commented, if not, im deleting this site from my favorites